Friday, September 17, 2010

Playdates, baking and follow up doctors appointments

The whrilwind never stops around here... wait... even before Corbin there was always some sort of tornado of activity so I guess I just like it that way :)  We visited the "kids hospital" as Corbin calls it earlier this week.  Great news, he's growing (one inch in 2 months), gaining weight (2.5+ lbs in 2 months) and talking at a level that the doctor said she would expect from a home grown kiddo.  He even managed to argue with her about the finer points of "POOH Bear" vs "POLAR Bear"... she said whatever we are doing at home it's all good and she can't wait to see what he comes up with after starting preschool in November.  No concerns, no follow up and no additional appointment until the new year. 

We've spent time with many other friends and Corbin talks about it for days afterwards.  It's one of the things I enjoy now - his reasoning and language skills have developed so that he talks about what he DID and what he WANTS to DO later.  Busy week with playdates for him and for me.  He is getting more restless and harder to entertain at Mommy lunches but loves to eat Sushi which I am thrilled about :)  He could have ridden forever with Uncle Jeremy in his "Small car" and I love to watch him give hugs and kisses when we leave.  Here are some pictures of our day with his special friends who will remain nameless since I didn't ask Mama and Papa if I could post.  Suffice to say, we love 'em and Corbin could have raced in the kitchen for hours and hours - could have been the sugar rush from the cookies but... whatever it was it was so cute to watch! 
The other fun stuff keeps rolling in: We spent this afternoon with Anna from Khabarovsk (my angel who I stayed with!) who is here for a visit for two weeks.  She couldn't believe how happy and settled in Corbin is - he really isn't interested in hearing any Russian anymore and raises his hand and says "NO" or waves it off which was heartbreaking for Anna I think.  We'll see more of her coming up and have some pictures to share I'm sure.  On Sunday my little man will have the chance to meet some very special people to Mama.  My old soccer coaches are coming into town for a visit.  I have respected and admired these men for the better part of my life and I'm thrilled that they still consider me a friend after so many years.  The tears will flow (and not from me... but grown men don't cry right?) as we reminisce about the times, the games, the wins and the lessons learned but mostly the fact that you never lose track of good people who make your world better.  Knuddie and Alvin - can't wait to see you... P.S. Corbin already has a mean shot ... I think he'll be a solid mid fielder too just like his Mama :)