Saturday, September 11, 2010

Three Day Round-Up....

Wednesday was lovely, with two special-to-us families popping by for a few hours in the afternoon.  The children played together, whilst the adults chatted and put the worlds to rights.  Topics for discussion included the benefits system, home-education, our Teignbridge and Torbay H.E group, and much more besides.

On Thursday we had a not-so-good day.  One of those days when you wonder why you bothered to step a foot out of bed.  The postman bought disappointing news, the bank account showed a disappointing payment, and even easy-to-please Callum was difficult.  He didn't want to go out, not even to his favourite dinosaur place (where I was hoping to arrange a meeting with the person in charge of education).  *sigh*  I soon became resigned to the fact that we wouldn't be going anywhere. Just as I was thinking how else to spend the day, Callum announced that perhaps he would like to go after all.  I resisted the strong temptation to throttle him, and instead skipped along merrily to the car.  We arrived at the dinosaur attraction only to find it was closed.  I could have screamed very loudly at that point, but instead decided that treating myself ourselves to an ice-cream was a better option. Mmmmm, that's better.

Thursday evening on the other hand, was bloomin' fantastic!  Now, this is going to make me sound like a real saddo person with no life - but in (almost) 15 years of motherhood, I have only been out with friends twice in the evening.  Once to the theatre to see psychic Colin Fry, and once to a spiritual meeting at a local town hall. Now, both evenings were thoroughly enjoyable (the latter for probably the wrong reasons..), but, they don't exactly give me the reputation as being a real party gal do they?  Imagine my excitement then, when I got invited to a girls night out with other home-educating mummy's.  Yes me!  We were only going out for a bite to eat, but it meant a few hours out of the house, without a little hand to hold, and no husband to keep me in check - oooooooh!   I admit that I was actually nervous!  I've never been out for a meal with the girls.  I've never actually been out with a group of girls at all - ever!!!   But, I had a brilliant time, with too many giggles considering not a drop of alcofrol touched my lips :)  I can't wait for the next one!

Then onto today.  What did Friday have in store for us?  The morning started off well, with a letter telling us that some of our money worries could now be eased.  Always good to hear :)  At noon we headed off out in search of a Dartmoor Longhouse.  Not just any Dartmoor Longhouse though I might add.  This one...

A Dartmoor Longhouse

Dartmoor Longhouse - Higher Uppacott

Based at Higher Uppacott, Poundsgate.

We had booked a tour through Open Heritage Days, and I am so glad that we did.

Initially we were required to meet up in a car park. Now with views like this (even on a dull day) even the waiting was a pleasure...

Beltor Corner

Once everyone had arrived (everyone = 12 adults and my 4 children), we followed the guide down to the Longhouse.

The tour lasted for 2 hours and 25 minutes (should have been 2 hours max). It was brilliant, and my children were just amazing. I really did think that listening to a man ramble on (albeit rambles of great interest) for over 2 hours would have seriously tested their patience. But all four children listened intently to what was being said. They asked and answered questions and were so polite and considerate of others. I am a very proud mummy. The guide (Historic Buildings Officer at Dartmoor National Park) remarked on how impressed he was with the whole family. When I said thank you very much for the informative tour, he said "No, thank YOU very much, I am very impressed by your children." Of course I had to slip in a mention of the fact that we home-educated and that the children didn't attend school, and he said that was great and reiterated how impressed he had been - I think I may have glowed with pride at that moment :)

During the tour we heard about the location, the building itself, it's history, the animals, oh the list goes on and on! We discussed the structure...

Longhouse shippon roof

(that picture shows the Shippon roof)

the windows and spice cupboard...

Longhouse window and spice cupboard

and the yard with the added wing.

Open Heritage Event

We have been passed that building so many times - it's no more than 20 minutes away from our home and we have often said how lovely it looks and we wondered about the history. We don't have to wonder any more :)

If anyone fancies a virtual tour, take a look at this website...

The site is well worth having a nosy around.

I've just been given the kick up the backside need to start overhauling the Classroom Free website for home-educators in the Devon area - I'm off to start right now...