Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Two bits of news to share with you...

Firstly, did you know that tomorrow is Freedom in Education day? 

There will be a small (but perfectly formed) gathering in Totnes, with lots of info about home-education and the local groups. I'm hoping to be there for at least part of the time.

Get in touch for more information regarding location and time, it would be lovely to see you there!

Secondly - have you seen the October/November issue of Greenparent magazine yet?  Did you notice that I am now famous?  Yep, those are my words on page 30 - within the 'Learning Special'.  I was very surprised to see so much written.  I replied to a few questions that were asked on the Greenparent forum, and had no idea that they would write an article using my words - I just thought they would maybe take a comment or two.  I'd have written it a lot better if I'd have known they were going to dedicate almost a page to my ramblings ;o)  Other families are also included, and it's a very positive Home-Ed piece.

Onwards and upwards now you know - form an orderly queue for autographs please *silly grin*.