Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcoming Fall's Beauty

Hello Everyone!
It's officially fall. Isn't it wonderful?
It has been beautiful weather here in North Carolina.
I hope you are enjoying the lovely new season as well.
My computer has been having issues the last few months
and I finally decided to order a new one. It should arrive
this week. If you don't hear from me then you know why.
Here's what I ordered. I'm excited to get it!
I plan to post later this week with a tablescape displaying
my new fall dishes from Cracker Barrel. Stay tuned!
In the meantime enjoy the beauty of fall with a few photos.

The fall pumpkins are colorful.
I would love to stand on this bridge and make a wish.
A scenic drive leads to home.
This is peaceful perfection.
Ah, so pretty...:)
Happy Fall Ya'll!