Monday, October 4, 2010

Some news to share...

Finally, I can share the news that I've been bursting to tell you all.  Those on my Facebook will be aware of my announcement yesterday, but here's a clue for my blog readers...

I've got something to tell you...

I'm actually 35 weeks pregnant, so not long to go now.  For a number of reasons we felt it necessary to keep things hush hush in the online world.  Our precious bundle is due to be joining us around November 3rd November. I'm planning a home-birth (it will be my 3rd). I have written a birth plan for the first time but don't expect it to make much difference, my babies don't seem to like following instructions :)

Home-Education wise we have been busy little bumpkins :) We have started a 'Daily Quick Theme' idea which I haven't got time to explain about now, but I will do later when we get back from our H.E group meet. It's working well so far so I think it might be a keeper.

We've also been conker collecting ready for some craft ideas I have.

Finding Natures Treasure

I think we may have gone over the top with our collecting really, Tiegan's pockets resembled donkey saddle bags...

Pockets rich with Conker Treasure

Our conker treasure...

Conker Treasure

Erm, a few more than I envisaged, but at least we have plenty for our plans! That lot was collected in around 15 minutes or so. We were in the right place at the right time it seems - the day after a bit of stormy weather. There were lots of conkers scattered on the floor near our local church - even after our visit there were hundreds and hundreds remaining.

We really enjoyed our walk (some of the photos were taken on my mobile phone - hence the poor quality).

The colours were just stunning...

Nature's Beauty

and we enjoyed watching the dragonflies and other mini beasts at the pond...

Checking out the Pond

by this time, Tiegan seemed to be finding carrying her load a little tiring...


When we came home Tiegan and Callum decided to play a pretend baking game. They got out all the equipment they required, and had a little helper.

Can I take your order please?

Can I take your order please?

Dear Harry got a little confused as to what should be put into the bowl...


But Callum did love being with his furry pals, so didn't mind the interruptions.

With his pals

Kira was watching the birds flying outside...


Right, off to the local group Home-Ed meet now, have a good day everyone :)