Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Spoilt Rotten...

I've never had a "Baby-Shower".

I've had four children and have never had the girlie get-together joy of celebrating pregnancy and an impending birth.  I've never really thought much about it.  As I have struggled with friendships and self-confidence issues, I was pretty much resigned to the fact that it was never going to happen, not for me.  I was fine with that.  Although I may have secretly longed to experience such a joyful occasion amongst giggling, much loved and admired friends, I told myself that it was just another money making scheme for the card shops and baby stores.

Imagine my utter delight then when I discovered that yes, in my 5th (and dare I say last) pregnancy, a very special group of people organised such an event FOR ME!!!  In the disguise of a "mum's night out" like last month, I got picked up by a lovely lady and taken to the venue.  We walked through the door, around the corner and whoosh!  There was a table piled high with beautifully wrapped presents, helium balloons announcing a special celebration, and a scattering of table confetti making it look so glitzy and lovely.  More importantly, there were people sat around the table - my amazing friends.  I was truly overwhelmed.

Sadly I didn't take my camera, so I couldn't record how lovely everyone looked and the effort they had gone to with the present wrapping and table decor.  I have taken pictures of the opened presents though - wanna see?

Baby Shower Goodies


Can you see the origami pink and blue storks?  Aren't they special?  They were made by the children of a lovely friend just for me.  I love that :)  
Oops, just realised I didn't include the cards in the photos - doh!

I could feel the tears building up with each and every gift I opened, but the last one truly finished me off and I admit to blubbering. Look at what had been made for me...

A gift for me from a very special friend.

Aren't we (as in me and my new little one) lucky? I felt well and truly spoilt and loved (almost) every second of the evening. I say almost without meaning it in a derogatory sense. The end to the evening wasn't exactly as we had planned or hoped for, but I won't go into details. All's well that ends well thankfully so nothing has tarnished the occasion :)

It's been a rather social start to the week actually.  On Monday we met up with other home-educating families at a park in Paignton.  It was the Teignbridge and Torbay HE group meeting, and as always it was nice to catch up with lovely families.  The weather was just glorious, hard to believe that it is actually October.  There we were sat with friends, the children playing happily, with the sun bearing down on our backs - blissful.


Monday evening was 'my night' as described at the start of this post.

Today was another home-ed meeting. This time at a new group. Louise had the fab idea of holding a joint group get-together once a month. There are lots of home-ed groups to get involved in around our area, and they often cross-over location wise. Lou thought that it would be great to 'break down barriers' so to speak and get the various group members together so that they can meet new families and contacts around the region. Sadly the first meeting today wasn't a huge success, but with the weather forecasting heavy rain and illness sadly affecting the lives of many, I can't say that I'm surprised. I still had a lovely few hours though, catching up with old friends and meeting a new to the area family for the first time.

Luckily the weather was extremely kind, going completely against the forecast and staying dry. I managed to take a few pictures of my younger ones (the older two went for a walk around the town for the 2nd hour of the group time).

Callum on the Helter Skelter Slide

Callum - Greyscale

Deep in thought. grey

Tiegan with her new haircut :)  I wonder what she was thinking.

I really have been amazed and overwhelmed by everybody's kindness since announcing this pregnancy, and it has really made me appreciate the valuable friends I have in my life. I have been given so many lovely gifts, and a very kind lady has sent me a Moby Wrap, a pair of organic cotton gowns, a couple of beads to start off a birthing necklace (what a lovely idea of hers!) and a copy of The Mother magazine which I keep meaning to subscribe to. It's lovely to have the opportunity to flick through a copy before committing myself to a subscription - I've never seen one before :)

I think there is something quite special about having gifts sent to you from someone you may have exchanged messages with in the online world, but have never met for real. Some people really are shining stars, and I feel very blessed to have such fabulous earth angels in my life.

Thought I would share my first 'bump' picture with you.  None have been taken until today which is quite sad really - but here I am, with 5 weeks to go...

Pregnant Me! - With 5 weeks to go.

(Picture taken by 8 year old Tiegan)