Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Time For Change

Hello Everyone!
I have a new blog design that was just completed.
Take a look around. Pay a visit to Jenn if you
are interested in great designs and service.
I love it! It's my new favorite.
If you don't mind switching out my old button with this
newer version I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Grab the button and code on my sidebar.
I thought I would take a moment and cover a few
things that I haven't talked about in a few weeks.
As of yesterday we found out we are not moving
this fall like we thought. That's okay with me.
He was told to be prepared for spring or early summer
moving orders in 2012. It's hard to believe that we will be
living in this house for 6 years by the time we do move.
That is pretty much unheard of in the Marine Corps.
It will be much easier to sell our home in the spring
so it's probably a really good thing in the long run.
Remember our new furniture from Ashley and how it
looked orange-ish? If you missed the post you can read
about it here. I went to Ashley and found out it was from
the different types of light sources reflecting off the fabric.
It really is a deep gold color. That was a relief. Whew!
A few weeks ago I posted about my hair and if I should
get it cut again or not? Well I finally came to a decision
and decided to cut it. I'm ready with the warm weather
headed our way plus it's so much easier to take care of.
If you missed that post click here. Thanks for your input.
My appointment is next week. I'll be sure and show you soon.
It's been the season of changes for sure.
I'm welcoming it with open arms.
Finally, I'll be back on Sunday with a decorating post.
Have a wonderful weekend!