Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Carrots - the bad habit fixer?

I have a soft spot for sweets and it only got worse since I started to work from home. I try not to have anything tempting in the kitchen but somehow I always manage to pop down to the shop for a bar of chocolate. So, when Sarah posted about her sweet-tooth dilemma the other day I felt motivated to kick my habit as well. Sarah says that by snacking on carrots she stopped craving sweets. She always has a little bag of washed and cut carrot sticks in her purse so whenever she feels the need to snack on something she reaches for them instead of cookies.

It makes sense, doesn't it? It's more about the habit of snacking, rather than the actual food, so why not munch on vitamins, right? As my Balazs is not a huge fan of carrots and he is working late tomorrow night, I might try this ginger-roasted carrot recipe for my eating alone night. Doesn't it look delicious? (And it has miso dressing - yum!).

Lovelies, do you have any bad habits you'd like to get rid of? Do share...xo