Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fictional Places For Real

Ever wondered how splendid would it be to visit one of those famous fictional places from your favourite movie or book? Wonder no more! The other day I stumbled upon this incredibly cool guide of magical spots you can visit in real life.

The photo above is of the Ashdown Forest, in Sussex, England or should I say Winnie the Pooh's Hundred Acre Wood? What's more, they even offer "Pooh walks", if you fancy a wonder about in the loveable bear's foot-steps…oh, bother :)

Although the Hobbiton set from the Lord Of The Rings is long gone, it has been rebuilt for the movie The Hobbit. Good news for all you LOTR fans: this awesome forty-four hobbit hole complex in Matamata, New Zealand will be open for visitors this year.
I know that some of my readers love Doctor Who and if you fancy a bit of fun, you should visit Cardiff in Britain. There is also a four hour tour available to all those familiar locations, including where the rift cracked open, Amy Pond’s village, and Rose Tyler’s workplace.
The Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland was the setting for Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. I read that the whole space is very mysterious and the walls are covered with strange carvings. Spooky!

I totally need to embark on a Pooh walk sometime soon! How about you? Do tell, what's your all-time favourite fictional place from a book, fairytale, movie or even a telly series that you're dying to see in person? xo

(via sho & tell)