Friday, July 30, 2010

All Jolly Lovely...

I would like to say that we've had such a lovely day today, but as it's 11pm and all my little people (and husband) are tucked up snug in bed, I can't check in with their feelings - so I shall just have to say that I have had a lovely day.  

Plans for the day were changed at the last minute when I decided to surprise the children by announcing a trip to the park.  Not the nearest park to us that we usually go to a few times a week.  The park where we have to travel to get to it.  Our local Home-Ed group were meeting there, and the sun was shining so deliciously, it seemed far too nice to stay at home.   Husband had gone to work, so that meant catching the bus to get there - £12 was the cost for a 15 minute journey, not exactly offering good value for money for family travelling.

Anyway, I shall not waste any energy in Missy moan-a-lot-and-miserly mode, as once at the (very busy) park we found ourselves a nice grassy spot to sit, and turned our talents to tucking into our bought on the way picnic goodies.  It wasn't long before the children vanished off in various directions, leaving me battling with sun blindness and hoards of people in order to try to keep an idea of where they were.  Chelsea, Joseph and Callum tended to stay with the kids within the H.E group, although they did converse with others when the opportunity arose.  Tiegan however flitted here there and everywhere, and ended up spending a fair amount of time with a group of girls aged between 7 and 10.  She did tell me their names, but they escape me for now.  One thing is for sure, there are no socialisation issues for my tribe.  Even the meekest and mildest (Tiegan) has shown today how well she is able to handle such busy situations without hindrance, making me a very proud mother hen.

As the children explored the play area, and chatted a great deal, we were surprised by the arrival of husband. He had managed to get the afternoon off work due to it being so quiet, and had decided to join us :o)  When the other H.E families had left for home,  we all went for a walk around the lake as a family, and dropped into the Discovery Centre on passing.   We travelled home (by car yay!) with excited chattering coming from the children echoing in our ears.

We hadn't long been home when it was decided that Tiegan needed new trainers/pumps.  Where better to start looking than the trusty NEXT sale?  4 out of 6 of us bundled back into the car and headed for the nearest retail park.  After a brief search we had found a very pink, very sparkly/glittery pair of pink lace-up pumps and a pair of pink jeans for Tiegan - costing £3 and £5 respectively.  I had a quick snoop of the sale rail in the ladies section and found a lovely dress suitable for my wearing now for £8.  It's not often you can walk into NEXT and leave with 3 items for less than £20 is it?  

Back home and this dress caught my eye on the internet...

Well let's face it, it's pretty darn eyecatching isn't it?  A definite 60's style creation, and one I fell in love with immediately.  It's bright, it's quirky, it's unusual, it's perfect for me.

The seller of this wonderful item is a friend of mine via Facebook and the Home-Ed world. 
Check out her website at Frockery 

I can't wait for it to arrive *squeal*.

In other good news, our book order from .  They are very cheap, the books are new, the postal charge is good, but the delivery times - wow.  I'm so not used to having to wait so long (even though to be fair, it does give a postal time of 7-10 days on the website so it is expected.).  It was the full 10 days for me and it seemed an agonisingly long time.  I want my things NOW, I'm not a patient person in that sense.  I hate ordering things on a Friday as the waiting time seems so long with that jubbly weekend in the way.  Anyway, the books that arrived today are great;  A World Faiths set of 4, a dinosaur pop up book, an Usborne Roman World Encyclopedia, and the 'My Side' story of the Salem Witch trials - they totalled just over £12 including delivery, so can't complain about the price.  

So, that's our day really.  Plenty of fresh air, lots of reading materials, scrumptious goodies - oh, and lots of love :)  
