Sunday, August 8, 2010

And another week goes by....

I can't believe that the first week of August has passed already.  This year really is flying on by at a faster than alarming rate.  I'm not sure what I think about that - actually, I'm not having any time to think at all!

So this week has been yet another good one in the life of the Pollards.  We have had lots of fruitful days, fun days, social days, and just a minor blip at the end of the week.  That blip soon passed after a nice much needed snooze, and giving myself a good mental kick up the backside upon waking.  I have learnt from that blip though.  I have learnt that I have some amazing friends, both online and in real life that care about me greatly.  For that I am well truly thankful and feel exceptionally blessed (and I must admit it took me quite by surprise!)

Right, on with the details and of course the pictures!

Workbooks have certainly seemed to have been making a comeback in our household.  For reasons I cannot fathom, and actually I don't feel the need to fathom the why's , but my children have taken a liking to them and who am I to argue.  Well, only 3 out of the 4 children have been hit by the workbook bug, but I'm not nit-picking over the details :)

Studying hard

even the little one is at it!

More workbooks today madam?

We've been shopping for shoes - and of course, for 8 year old princesses, only pink and sparkly ones will do...

Oooooh sparkly shoes - pweety!

Experiments have been looked at and analysed...

Games have been played...

Now Scrabble time

Dingbat time

Blackberries have been picked...

Look what I've got

Family blackberry picking

Smiles have been seen...

I love my daughter

T-shirts have been dirtied...

A dirty child means lots of fun has been had.

and nature has been explored...

Nature's Blanket

Gently does it

and much admired...



On Thursday we had a lovely day socialising with friends. Lots of chatting, laughter, tea drinking, and kid's chatter and play = a perfect day, and one that I think of fondly.

I shall leave you with a picture of our newest addition to the family. Meet kitten (yet to be named). We love him to bits already, he is such a character!

Our new kitten

Tomorrow we are cat goodie shopping and insurance organising :)