Monday, August 9, 2010

Cherish Your Life

Hello Everyone!
Life is short.
How many times have we heard that one?
Thank you for the sweet birthday wishes last week.
You really touched me with your kindness and I appreciate it.
I turned 45 on the 5th and I'm realizing how fast it is going by.
I hope you take the time to cherish your special loved ones.
I miss mine every day.
This is the normal way of life for a military family though.
I know many of you can relate to being away from family.
How do you cope with it?
This is a heart frame I ordered from Kristen's Creations.
This photo was taken on my 35th birthday at Epcot.
What a fun trip that was!
Kristen also made the cross tassel I hung on a mirror.
I found a scroll pillow at Kirklands to add to the mix.
I love to decorate with pillows. The more the better.

I found the burlap pillow Marshalls and liked the message.

Have a wonderful week!