Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Happy Holiday....blog off for summer vacations!

Hello my dearests! Yes, finally I'm packing my suitcases and leaving for a period of relaxing holiday!

(Actually while you're reading this post I'm already in my car!)

Destination...my home...my mountains!
I can't wait to be there!

It's just a little village of 700 people in the Alps;
where everybody knows everybody;
and if you want to introduce yourself you have to talk about your genealogical tree: I'm the daughter of..., my aunt is...etc.;
just 1 little shop;
no tourism;
absolutely no night life;


But I love it!


The silence

The peace

The nature

People walking slowly

With no hurry

Alway saying "Good Morning!" (or Evening) if they meet you.

A relaxed way of life!

So I won't be around for the next 20 days. I was thinking about taking my laptop with me to stay connect with all of you, but at the end I've thought that I need a break from everything and want to dedicate this holiday period to my family!

So I hope you don't mind, but I won't comment in your all beautiful blogs, ladies! I want to thank you each and one of you because this year I've discovered a fantastic world full of beautiful people: the blog land!

 I'm so happy I've started this blog!
I've had the chance to meet very special friends as you all are to me!

So I want to say to you all "See you later dear"!

and wish all of you a fantastic holiday period!

When I will be back I will have a lot of news from my new house to share with you!