Friday, November 26, 2010

Redbird Tassel Giveaway

Hello Friends!
I was doing some house cleaning and rearranging today
and decided to offer a handmade redbird tassel as a thank
you to one of my followers. I purchased it from Miss Nancy
at *Southern Graces* about a year ago and he is so stinkin'
cute. I know plenty of you love red, birds, toile and tassels.
He's been hanging in the dining room and looks brand new.
Rather than put him away I know one of you will enjoy him.
1. Leave me a comment here that you are interested.
2. Be a friend and follower!
Please join me only if you really want to though.
I welcome you but I want you to enjoy your visits.
3. Please leave only one comment!
It is much easier to pick with the number generator that way.
The winner will be chosen Sunday, November the 28th.
I have many other Christmas items to mail on Monday
so I will mail your sweet redbird tassel to you then.
This is a fun and easy giveaway!
Thank you to all of my readers and commenters.
You're the best. Good luck to all of you!
Happy Thanksgiving!