Friday, September 10, 2010

On the road - part II

Corbin and I hit the road again over the long weekend to play a little soccer at provincials.  He charmed the ladies in the van and cheering (read: playing with everyone elses kids) from the side lines.  He was perfectly entertained and having him run onto the field after the final whistle will never ever get old (even though I am er will get old).  I was thankful that there were other kids to play with and a dad with the patience of a saint and the arms of an octopus to play catch, kick soccer balls, feed tim bits, wipe noses and clap for goals scored all at the same time.  I honestly didn't know what to expect for such long games and freedom to run here and there but Corbin never ceases to surprise me and was an angel once again.  Even our trip to the big fat mall was met with patience and hand holding and resulted in the major find I was needing for Tianna's belated birthday gift.  At the end of it all, we came away with the gold for the 5th year running - but this year was harder fought.  Nationals are in BC this year which will mean better weather than last years winter wonderland.  Unfortunately the ankle injury that kept me down for the better part of the summer will have me sit this one out but I'll try not to mind as I sip my rum punch from the beaches of Bermuda and watch Corbin soak up some vitamin D.  Leg three from the road will be with sun screen and umbrella drink in hand.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.... I can feel the vacation start to kick in already.  Can't wait to see the girlz on the rock and enjoy your never ending hospitality!