Friday, September 10, 2010

One Year of Weighting

Hello Everyone!
Today is the day for me to celebrate!
It's been one year since I started my healthy journey.
Click here to read my first weight loss post.
Then click here to read how I lost the weight.
If you have read my previous posts then you know I was
diagnosed with very high B/P at a doctor visit the day
before and vowed to change my terrible eating habits.
It was scary and eye opening. I left on two medications
and a promise to myself to get my health and size back.
I remember we went out to eat Mexican food after the
depressing appointment and that was it. No more!
I'm proud to say I have not eaten it since.
Join me to read my success story.
Here I am today at 48 pounds down!
My B/P is 104/68 with no meds.
Celebrate is right!
Yes, this is me before my weight loss.
It was May of 08' and I was a size 14.
Huh? When did that happen? I'm only 5'3".
I was a small size 4 when we married in 99'.
See my wedding photo on my sidebar.
A 58 pound weight gain is not a good thing.
I took this yesterday and I am now a size 6 petite!
These are my new blue denim Liz Claiborne capris.
The pink ruffled top and turquoise necklace are from Cato.
I actually enjoy shopping for clothes again.
I'm so embarrassed to show you the before photos. Yikes!
I thought it was important to show you the differences though.
This is me taking our Christmas card photos in 08'.
Wow! Do you see my triple chin and large size?
I was holding steady at a size 14 but I was miserable.
I snored and could barely move. Really.
I am petite framed. This was a ton of extra weight for me.
After these photos I never went near a camera for another year.
Seriously. That is pathetic isn't it?
Fast forward to our Christmas card photos of 09'.
I was on my healthy diet and was down 30 pds at this point.
Much better but still a ways to go. I was a size 10 here.
I was still taking the B/P meds as well but it was now very low.
I would not go to the doctor for a few more months yet.
It was no surprise that she took me off the meds. Yay!
By May of 10' I was down 47 pounds and down to a size 8.
I showed you me in my old 14's in a previous post here.
If you are thinking of starting a weight loss program I
highly recommend documenting your before and afters.
Take photos and measurements and keep track of them.
This is something I did not do enough of and I'm regretting it.
I still weigh every-single-day and keep a journal.
I like to stay motivated and this works for me.
To read about the plateau I hit in May click here.
By June of 10' I treated myself to a stylish new haircut.
I was down 48 pounds at this point and still a size 8.
I was feeling great that day! Click here to read it.
I had a one year photo session yesterday to celebrate.
Size 6 petite works for me!
Afterwards I went shopping...:)
I invite all of you to try taking photos like this. It's fun!
Pull out your cameras, get dressed and start snapping.
You may surprise yourself. If it turns into the beginning of
your weight loss story then you have your before shots already.
I am grateful and thankful to all of you that gave me the credit
for motivating you this past year. I am truly honored by that.
You know who you are...:) I am proud of every single one of you!
As of today I'm still sitting at 48 pounds down but after
dropping another size the past few months I'm satisfied.
My ultimate goal will be 10 more pounds and 1 more size.
No time restrictions when it happens it happens.
I'm trying very hard not to stress over every single pound
and flab and so on. We are our own worst critics and that is bad.
We should all accept who we are and be happy with ourselves.
In my case I was not healthy before and had to change. It worked.
Now I have to get used to all of the new body changes.
Buying new clothes, blogging and my new found love of running
has helped. Yes, you read that correctly. I am running now!
What, me? I was never a runner but I have started...slowly.
It feels wonderful to be active and I will have to do this the
rest of my life to mantain this weight. If I could tell you
the main things I have learned this past year it is that
1. This is for life. Healthy eating is not a phase or a diet.
2. Exercise is very hard work. You must do it to lose it.
When you think you are done you must keep on moving.
My hubby taught me that. Feeling the *burn* is good.
I'm happy and healthier today than I have been in years.
It came just in time. We have a party next weekend and then
the Marine Corps Ball in November and then Christmas and so on.
Thank you for all of your support this past year!
I hope I helped in some small way if need be.
Email me anytime if you have any specific questions.
Not that I'm an expert but I will try to help you.
I did not mean to turn my decorating blog into a health blog
but I felt this was very important and I should share my story.
Thank you for reading it.
Have a wonderful week!