Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tomorrow its gonna happen!

Dear all!

Tomorrow is my big day! Tomorrow I am starting the real education to become a certified interior designer! 
I am ready to learn all the basic things, I am ready to know the written rules, I am ready to understand on what theory should I base my inspiration and I am ready to know it all!
Bring it on! I will put it in my head use it to inspire people, create what I really like! To put myself out there! Show the world that my time has come!
Show it to me! Teach it to me! I will use it for all that bliss that I have in my mind! 
Teach me the ART OF LIVING!

I am reasy for all the hard work!

Please support me! I know I can do it! You will see you will be proud of me!
Have a great day on14 September 2010!