Thursday, February 2, 2012

From Behind

Last Saturday, just before the city hall ceremony my friend (the bride) came up to me and discretely asked to check her out from behind. She read somewhere that a lot of people attending weddings make up their mind about the wedding dress based on the view they have at the ceremony - which is mostly from behind. I had no idea, but it makes sense, doesn’t it? So here are four stunning wedding gown photos (of course) from behind that make my heart swell. (And the strangest thing is that after all this, I don't think I can look at wedding dresses the same way ever again). xo

P.S: Remember this dress? I still can't stop thinking about it.
P.P.S: And this 1940's beauty!

(Photos via Emannuelle JunqueiraPinterest, dustjacket attic & Green Wedding Shoes)