Thursday, March 1, 2012

Crabbing Season

How is day of crabbing for a summer fantasy? Early July last year, Teppei got invited for a whole day of crab-catching-fun with a few of his friends. Just imagine waking up with the sun and the crisp ocean morning air, enjoying a cup of fresh coffee on the deck while dipping your toes in the cool water. Then later doing some fishing, and finishing off the day with a backyard cook-off of scrumptious crab, beer, friends and laughter. Doesn't it sound like an amazing day? Are you in? Lovelies have you ever been on a crabbing day? Would you like to? xo

P.S: Also, Maine daydreaming and summer sailing:)
P.P.S: How about manatee watching?

(Photos by new grass)