Monday, August 16, 2010

Healthy Snacking

Hello Everyone!
If you have read my blog over the past year then
you know I made a healthy life change on 9-09-09.
I feel much better and grateful to be healthier.
Click on my sidebar photo to read my past weight loss posts.
I'll give you an update on my weight loss on my one year date.
In the meantime I thought I would share my favorite snacks.
Who doesn't love a yummy cupcake?
I definitely don't eat them now. I try to eat no refined sugars.
Well...except for some ice cream splurges this summer such
as a DQ Blizzard pecan pie flavor. Hey, it is HOT right?
Oh they were so good but the scale showed it the next day.
To overcome sugar cravings click here.
Healthy snacks can be just as satisfying.
I eat these with sliced cheese and a dab of sour cream.
Heat them in the microwave to melt.
My hubby LOVES cottage cheese. Me too!
It is packed full of protein and very filling.
Sliced cucumbers, cheese sticks and almonds I eat daily.
Baby carrots, celery and hummus.
This is a deliicious and healthy snack before dinner.
Bananas are one of the best foods for you.
They are loaded with potassium and vitamins.
A cold pear tastes refreshing on a hot day.

Juicy red strawberries...Mmmm..
Who doesn't love em'?
Slice them up and have them stored ready for snacking.
Blueberries are a super food loaded with antioxidants.
So good and good for you.
Cruchy apples are full of fiber and delish.
Oh I could eat this all day. Yum-O!
I have to hold back from eating too much of it.
This is some really tasty peanut butter.
I like to spread it on my sliced up apples.
It tastes like a delicious candy treat this way.
As with any snack don't overdo it but do have them.
Everything in moderation is key to long term weight loss.
We add variety with different fruits each week.
What snacks do you crave?
Please share them here.
Have a wonderful week!