Monday, November 29, 2010

Pray For Peace

Hello Everyone!
I am reminded everday how precious peace is to have
in our lives. As a military wife I hope for the best for
all of our servicemen and women. I know we all do.
They are all brave to have this job.
I worry but it is nothing compared to what they go through.
Let us all take a moment and pray for world peace.
Join me to view the peaceful vignette I created today.
The formal dining room buffet table is always
a good place to change things with each season.
All photos enlarge when clicked.
The tapestry coat wearing deer is from Pier 1.
The runner looks like new fallen snow.
The mirror is from Kirklands and the hanger from Michaels.
I added a berry beaded wreath and pinecone redbird.
*Peace* to all of you.
The striped stockings are from Lowes.
A few beaded topiaries from Michaels.
I added the red ribbon.
Another view of the entire Christmas vignette.
The scroll buffet lamps are from Lamps Plus online.
Even Chestnut seemed to be in deep thought today.
Actually he may have seen another kitty....:)
Thank you to those of you who entered my redbird tassel
giveaway last week. The winner is...Poofing The Pillows #23.
Congrats to Stacey!
I really enjoy hosting giveaways so look for another one soon.
Thank you for visiting.
Have a wonderful week!