Friday, February 3, 2012

The Awesome Whale

This morning, while catching up on my reading I spotted this awesome story from a few years ago and I simply had to share. Have you read it before? It made my morning, so I hope it will brighten yours too. The brilliant photos are of a female humpback whale that got entangled in a spider web of crab traps. After the divers freed her, she swam to them and gave each a friendly, gentle nudge, as she was thanking them for the helping hand. I read that some divers said that it was the most beautiful experience of their lives and the one who cut the rope out of her mouth said that her eyes were following him the whole time and he will never be the same. × CloseMelts my heart! xo

P.S: Also, the tiny panda cubs that I adore and those two buddies from Radha Nagar Beach.
P.P.S: Oh, and of course baby Shukura and his raincoat:)

(Photos by Barcroft via San Francisco Chronicle via Global Animal)